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Check out below for all Antenna open calls including those for exhibitions, publications, residencies, and grants. Visit to see this work in action.
For Questions email:
Through this program, we invite artists, writers, and culture bearers from all backgrounds and disciplines to apply for funding to cover the costs of materials and printing associated with their projects. Whether it's the purchase of canvases and paints, printing of manuscripts, production of promotional materials, or any other necessary expenses, we're here to provide assistance.
The eligibility requirements for this opportunity are as follows:
- Minimum 5-year resident in New Orleans
- Demonstrate a creative practice: social media, web, images, press samples, artist statement, etc.
- You are NOT an Antenna board
- You are NOT eligible if you have a fiscal sponsorship with or received funding from Antenna or Paper Machine in the past two years (Platforms, Paper Machine Residency, Antenna Press Publication, Exhibition Stipends) or an Antenna discretionary micro grant in the last year.